Mate positions by Aloril, for big files roughly 3 bytes/pos
Note that -N in mate length means mated in N moves and mate 0 means checkmate
first published here
currently not replicated
usually incomplete result, not all positions checked
-: there are no mates at given depth
blank: no results (yet)
>=: search not complete
unique: Unique mate positions at each ply. Unique means there exists only one move sequence that can lead to that position in the same ply.
Total positions listed so far: 1091489212
unique - - - - - 3 51 1110 3871 47766 219708 2110237
mate 0 - - - - 4 105 1251 26633 215854 3612868 26105519 350188023
mate 1 - - - 4 116 1400 31994 268482 4811125 35961557 514249593
mate -1 - - - - 4 88 854 12204 97182 1204117 9251300
mate 2 - - - 4 93 901 13750 109302 1416378 10728891 128966312
mate -2 - - - - - 13 133 2693 24458 367968
mate 3 - - - - 13 132 2852 24565 370317 3197657
mate -3 - - - - - - 7 225 5758 >=80338
mate 4 - - - - - 6 200 4861 90729 >=5041
mate -4 - - - - - - 3 155 >=3341 >=7080
mate 5 - - - - - 3 162 3559 >=256 >=2385
mate -5 - - - - - - 2 >=201 >=1717 >=5186
mate 6 - - - - - 2 225 >=2872 >=75 >=856
mate -6 - - - - - - >=2 >=79 >=658 >=3653
mate 7 - - - - - 2 >=60 >=1225 >=51 >=352
mate -7 - - - - - >=3 >=53 >=300
mate 8 - - - - >=2 >=34 >=459 >=22
mate -8 - - - - >=26 >=147
mate 9 - - - >=17 >=51
mate -9 - - - >=1 >=19
mate 10 - - >=1 >=18 >=12
mate -10 - -
mate 11 - >=11
mate -11
mate 12
mate -12
mate 13
mate -13
mate 14
mate -14
mate 15
mate -15

Number of games:
mate 0 - - - - 8 347 10828 435767 9852036 400191963 8790619155 362290010907 8361091858959 346742245764219 A079485
mate 1 - - - 8 347 10822 419046 9581293 377316151 8391307628 339181405568
mate -1 - - - - 8 315 8212 269465 5324016 175265641 3520797365
mate 2 - - - 8 303 7891 247827 4898320 153916676 3105258919 103832671608
mate -2 - - - - - 25 547 30882 665748 29852605
mate 3 - - - - 25 540 29087 615559 25569085 583378970
mate -3 - - - - - - 19 1659 79190
mate 4 - - - - - 18 1403 67065 3777489
mate -4 - - - - - - 14 1466
mate 5 - - - - - 14 1383 52184
mate -5 - - - - - - 5
mate 6 - - - - - 5 1683
mate -6 - - - - - -
mate 7 - - - - - 12
mate -7 - - - - -
mate 8 - - - -
mate -8 - - - -
mate 9 - - -
mate -9 - - -
mate 10 - -
mate -10 - -
mate 11 -
See also Statistics on chess games page.

Number of games, number of different positions, number of positions seen in earlier ply, number of different positions not seen in earlier ply and unique positions that can be obtained in exactly one way in n plies:
perft 1 20 400 8902 197281 4865609 119060324 3195901860 84998978956 2439530234167 69352859712417 2097651003696806 62854969236701747 1981066775000396239 61885021521585529237 2015099950053364471960 A048987
positions 1 20 400 5362 72078 822518 9417681 96400068 988187354 9183421888 85375278064 726155461002 A083276
also earlier 0 0 0 0 65 1502 34631 488287 6858751 77043483 860814440 8350125374 -
positions-earlier 1 20 400 5362 72013 821016 9383050 95911781 981328603 9106378405 84514463624 717805335628 -
legal positions <=
1 21 421 5783 77796 898812 10281862 106193643 1087522246 10193900651 94708364275 812513699903 -
unique 1 20 400 1862 9825 53516 311642 2018993 12150635 69284509 382383387 1994236773 A089957

Earliest mate in N positions:
Mate distanceis earlieststatusplyfen
mate 0 yes Chest 4 rnb1kbnr/pppp1ppp/4p3/8/5PPq/8/PPPPP2P/RNBQKBNR w KQkq -
mate 1 yes Chest 3 rnbqkbnr/pppp1ppp/4p3/8/5PP1/8/PPPPP2P/RNBQKBNR b KQkq - acn 1; acs 0; bm Qh4#; ce 32766; dm 1; pv Qh4#;
mate -1 yes Chest 4 rnb1kbnr/pppp1ppp/4p3/8/5P1q/7P/PPPPP1P1/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - acn 2; acs 0; ce -32765; pv g3 Qxg3#;
mate 2 yes Chest 3 rnbqkbnr/pppp1ppp/4p3/8/5P2/7P/PPPPP1P1/RNBQKBNR b KQkq - acn 6; acs 0; bm Qh4+; ce 32764; dm 2; pv Qh4+ g3 Qxg3#;
mate -2 yes Chest 5 r1bqkbnr/ppppp1pp/2n2p2/7Q/8/3BP3/PPPP1PPP/RNB1K1NR b KQkq - acn 4; acs 0; ce -32763; pv g6 Bxg6+ hxg6 Qxg6#;
mate 3 yes Chest 4 r1bqkbnr/ppppp1pp/2n2p2/8/8/3BP3/PPPP1PPP/RNBQK1NR w KQkq - acn 643; acs 0; bm Qh5+; ce 32762; dm 3; pv Qh5+ g6 Bxg6+ hxg6 Qxg6#;
mate -3 yes Chest 6 rnb1k1nr/pppp1ppp/3bp3/6q1/8/3PK3/PPP1PPPP/RNBQ1BNR w kq - acn 205; acs 0; ce -32761; pv Kd4 Nc6+ Ke4 f5+ Kf3 Nd4#;
mate 4 yes Chest 5 rnbqk1nr/pppp1ppp/3bp3/8/8/3PK3/PPP1PPPP/RNBQ1BNR b kq - acn 19641; acs 0; bm Qg5+; ce 32760; dm 4; pv Qg5+ Ke4 Nf6+ Kf3 Qf5+ Bf4 Qxf4#;
mate -4 yes Chest 6 rnb1k1nr/pppp1ppp/4p3/2b5/4PP1q/7P/PPPP2P1/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - acn 1019; acs 0; ce -32759; pv g3 Qxg3+ Ke2 Qf2+ Kd3 Qd4+ Ke2 Qxe4#;
mate 5 yes Chest 5 rnb1kbnr/ppp1pppp/3q4/3pP3/8/8/PPPPKPPP/RNBQ1BNR b kq - acn 119028; acs 0; bm Qxe5+; ce 32758; dm 5; pv Qxe5+ Kf3 Qf5+ Kg3 Qg5+ Kf3 Qg4+ Ke3 Qe4#;
mate -5 yes Chest 6 r1bqk1nr/pppp1ppp/2n5/4p3/1b6/2KP4/PPP1PPPP/RNBQ1BNR w kq - acn 85382; acs 0; ce -32757; pv Kc4 d5+ Kb3 Nd4+ Kxb4 c5+ Ka4 b5+ Ka3 Qa5#;
mate 6 yes Chest 5 r1bqkbnr/pppp1ppp/2n5/4p3/8/2KP4/PPP1PPPP/RNBQ1BNR b kq - acn 6597203; acs 8; bm Bb4+; ce 32756; dm 6; pv Bb4+ Kb3 Nd4+ Kxb4 c5+ Kc4 d5+ Kxc5 a5 h3 b6#;
mate -6 yes Chest 6 rnb1k1nr/pppp1ppp/4p3/2b5/5P1q/3P3P/PPP1P1P1/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - acn 882865; acs 1; ce -32755; pv g3 Qxg3+ Kd2 Qxf4+ e3 Qxe3+ Kc3 Qd4+ Kd2 Qf4+ Ke2 Qf2#;
mate 7 yes Chest 5 rnbqk1nr/pppp1ppp/4p3/2b5/5P2/3P3P/PPP1P1P1/RNBQKBNR b KQkq - acn 64803141; acs 120; bm Qh4+; ce 32754; dm 7; pv Qh4+ g3 Qxg3+ Kd2 Qxf4+ e3 Qxe3+ Kc3 Qd4+ Kd2 Qf4+ Ke2 Qf2#;
mate -7 probably Chest 6 r1b1kbnr/pp1ppppp/n1p5/q7/8/2KP4/PPP1PPPP/RNBQ1BNR w kq - acn 25467733; acs 35; ce -32753; Kd4 Qc5+ Ke4 Qxf2 d4 Nb4 Nf3 Nf6+ Kf4 Nbd5+ Kf5 g6+ Kg5 h6#;
mate 8 probably Chest 5 r1bqkbnr/pp1ppppp/n1p5/8/8/2KP4/PPP1PPPP/RNBQ1BNR b kq - acn 851808811; acs 1829; bm Qa5+; ce 32752; dm 8; pv Qa5+ Kd4 Qc5+ Ke4 Qxf2 d4 Nb4 Nf3 Nf6+ Kf4 Nbd5+ Kf5 g6+ Kg5 h6#;
mate -8 perhaps Chest 7 r1bqkbnr/pppppBp1/n6p/5P2/8/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQK1NR b KQkq - acn 18539276; acs 39; ce -32751; pv Kxf7 Qh5+ Kf6 Qg6+ Ke5 Nf3+ Kd5 Nc3+ Kc5 d4+ Kc4 Nd2+ Kxd4 Nb3+ Kc4 Qg4#;
mate 9 perhaps Chest 6 rnbq1bnr/ppp1pppp/2kp4/4P3/8/2P5/PP1P1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQ - acn 6648213132; acs 14563; bm Qa4+; ce 32750; dm 9; pv Qa4+ Kd5 d4 Ke6 d5+ Kxd5 Qc4+ Kxe5 Qxf7 e6 Qf4+ Kd5 Qc4+ Ke5 Qd4+ Kf5 Bd3#;
mate -9 probably Chest 6 rnb1k1nr/pppp1ppp/8/4p1q1/1b1P4/4K3/PPP1PPPP/RNBQ1BNR w kq - acn 529906984; acs 1352; ce -32749; pv Kd3 e4+ Kc4 b5+ Kxb4 a5+ Kb3 a4+ Kc3 b4+ Kc4 Ba6+ Kxb4 Nc6+ Ka3 Qe7+ b4 Qxb4#;
mate 10 probably Chest 5 rnbqk1nr/pppp1ppp/8/4p3/1b1P4/4K3/PPP1PPPP/RNBQ1BNR b kq - acn 294518230988; acs 454985; bm Qg5+; ce 32748; dm 10; pv Qg5+ Kd3 e4+ Kc4 b5+ Kxb4 a5+ Kb3 a4+ Kc3 b4+ Kc4 Ba6+ Kxb4 Nc6+ Ka3 Qe7+ b4 Qxb4#;
mate-10 perhaps Below 7 rn1qkbnr/p1p1pBpp/1p1p4/8/4P3/5Q1b/PPPP1PPP/RNB1K1NR b KQkq - ce -32747; pv Kd7 Qxh3+ e6 Qxe6+ Kc6 Qd5+ Kd7 Qf5+ Kc6 Bd5+ Kb5 Qf3 Qe8 c4+ Ka5 b4+ Ka6 Qa3+ Qa4 Qxa4#;
mate 11 perhaps Chest 6 rn1qkbnr/p1p1pppp/1p1p4/8/2B1P3/5Q1b/PPPP1PPP/RNB1K1NR w KQkq - acn 7824958670412; acs 11255608; bm Bxf7+; ce 32746; dm 11; pv Bxf7+ Kd7 Qxh3+ e6 Qxe6+ Kc6 Qd5+ Kd7 Qf5+ Kc6 Bd5+ Kb5 Qf3 Qe8 c4+ Ka5 b4+ Ka6 Qa3+ Qa4 Qxa4#;
mate-11 perhaps Below 6 rnb1k1nr/pppp1ppp/4pq2/2b5/4P3/5K2/PPPP1PPP/RNBQ1BNR w kq -; pv Kg4 g5 d4 Qxf2 Bxg5 h5+ Kh3 e5 Bb5 Nc6 Qf3 d6+ Qf5 Bxf5+ exf5 Qxf5+ Kg3 h4+ Bxh4 Qf4+ Kh3 Rxh4#;
mate 12 probably Huntsman1 >119Gn 5 rnbqk1nr/pppp1ppp/4p3/2b5/4P3/5K2/PPPP1PPP/RNBQ1BNR b kq - acn 2583305; pv Qf6+ Kg4 g5 d4 Qxf2 Bxg5 h5+ Kh3 e5 Bb5 Nc6 Qf3 d6+ Qf5 Bxf5+ exf5 Qxf5+ Kg3 h4+ Bxh4 Qf4+ Kh3 Rxh4#;
mate-12 unknown Huntsman1 >52Gn 7 r1bqkbnr/ppp1pBp1/n2p3p/7Q/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNB1K1NR b KQkq - acn 144718; pv Kd7 Be6+ Kc6 Qd5+ Kb6 Qb3+ Ka5 Na3 Nb4 Nc4+ Kb5 Ne2 Kc6 Qa4+ b5 Nd4+ Kc5 Qxb5+ Kxd4 c3+ Kd3 Ne3+ Kxe4 Qf5#;
mate 13 perhaps Huntsman1 >106Gn 6 rnbqkbn1/ppppp1pr/5p2/7p/P3P3/8/1PPPBPPP/RNBQK1NR w KQq - acn 4479714; pv Bxh5+ g6 Bxg6+ Rf7 Bxf7+ Kxf7 Qh5+ Kg7 Ra3 Nh6 d4 Kh8 Bxh6 c6 Rg3 Qa5+ Qxa5 d5 Qd8 Nd7 Bxf8 Nxf8 Qxf8+ Kh7 Qg7#;
mate-13 unknown Below 7 1nbqkbnr/rppppB1p/p7/6p1/4P3/7N/PPPP1PPP/RNBQK2R b KQk -; pv Kxf7 Qh5+ Kf6 Qxg5+ Kf7 Qh5+ Kg7 Qg4+ Kf6 e5+ Kf7 Ng5+ Kg6 Nf3+ Kf7 e6+ Kf6 Qf4+ Kxe6 Nd4+ Kd5 Nc3+ Kc5 b4+ Kxb4 Nb3#;
mate 14 perhaps Huntsman1 >74Gn 6 1nbqkbnr/rppppp1p/p7/6p1/2B1P3/7N/PPPP1PPP/RNBQK2R w KQk - acn 153326; pv Bxf7+ Kxf7 Qh5+ Kf6 Qxg5+ Kf7 Qh5+ Kg7 Qg4+ Kf6 e5+ Kf7 Ng5+ Kg6 Nf3+ Kf7 e6+ Kf6 Qf4+ Kxe6 Nd4+ Kd5 Nc3+ Kc5 b4+ Kxb4 Nb3#;
mate-14 perhaps Below 7 rnbqkbnr/pppppB1p/8/6p1/4P3/7N/PPPP1PPP/RNBQK2R b KQkq -; pv Kxf7 Qh5+ Kg7 Qxg5+ Kf7 Qh5+ Kg7 Qg4+ Kf6 e5+ Kf7 Ng5+ Kg7 Nf3+ Kf7 e6+ Kf6 Qf4+ Kxe6 Nd4+ Kd5 Nc3+ Kc5 Nb3+ Kb6 Qb4+ Ka6 Qb5#;
mate 15 perhaps Huntsman1 >100Gn 6 rnbqkbnr/pppppp1p/8/6p1/2B1P3/7N/PPPP1PPP/RNBQK2R w KQkq - acn 269271; pv Bxf7+ Kxf7 Qh5+ Kg7 Qxg5+ Kf7 Qh5+ Kg7 Qg4+ Kf6 e5+ Kf7 Ng5+ Kg7 Nf3+ Kf7 e6+ Kf6 Qf4+ Kxe6 Nd4+ Kd5 Nc3+ Kc5 Nb3+ Kb6 Qb4+ Ka6 Qb5#;
mate-15 perhaps Below 7 rn1qkbnr/pbpppB1p/1p6/6p1/4P3/7N/PPPP1PPP/RNBQK2R b KQkq -; pv Kxf7 Qh5+ Kg7 Qxg5+ Kf7 Qh5+ Kg7 Qg4+ Kf6 e5+ Kxe5 Qf4+ Kd5 Nc3+ Kc6 Qc4+ Kd6 Nb5+ Ke5 Qf4+ Kd5 d3 Nf6 g4 c5 Qf3+ Ke6 Ng5+ Ke5 Qf5#;
mate 16 perhaps Huntsman1 >104Gn 6 rn1qkbnr/pbpppp1p/1p6/6p1/2B1P3/7N/PPPP1PPP/RNBQK2R w KQkq - acn 18351060; pv Bxf7+ Kxf7 Qh5+ Kg7 Qxg5+ Kf7 Qh5+ Kg7 Qg4+ Kf6 e5+ Kxe5 Qf4+ Kd5 Nc3+ Kc6 Qc4+ Kd6 Nb5+ Ke5 Qf4+ Kd5 d3 Nf6 g4 c5 Qf3+ Ke6 Ng5+ Ke5 Qf5#;
mate-16 unknown Huntsman1 >118Gn 8 rnb1k1nr/pppp1ppp/8/2b5/4p2q/3PK3/PPPNPPPP/R1BQ1BNR w kq - acn 11444638; pv d4 Bxd4+ Kxd4 Nc6+ Ke3 Qg5+ f4 Qc5+ Kxe4 Nf6+ Kf3 Nd4+ Kg3 Nh5+ Kh4 Qe7+ Kh3 Nxf4+ Kg3 Qe3+ Ndf3 Nf5+ Kg4 h5+ Kxf5 d6+ Kg5 f6+ Kh4 g5+ Nxg5 Ng6#;
mate 17 unlikely Below 13 r1bqk1nr/p1pp1ppp/3bp3/1p6/3n4/2KP4/PPP1PPPP/RNBQ1BNR b kq -; pv Bb4+ Kxd4 Ne7 g4 Bb7 Ke3 Nd5+ Kf3 Qf6+ Kg3 Bd6+ Kh3 Ne3 Bxe3 h5 f3 hxg4+ Kg2 Qh4 Nh3 Qxh3+ Kf2 Qh4+ Kg2 Bxh2 Bf4 g3 Bh6 Rxh6 Rg1 Bxg1 Kxg1 Qh1#;
mate-17 unlikely Below 12 r1bqk1nr/p1pp1ppp/3bp3/1p6/3n4/1K1P4/PPP1PPPP/RNBQ1BNR w kq -; pv Kc3 Bb4+ Kxd4 Ne7 g4 Bb7 Ke3 Nd5+ Kf3 Qf6+ Kg3 Bd6+ Kh3 Ne3 Bxe3 h5 f3 hxg4+ Kg2 Qh4 Nh3 Qxh3+ Kf2 Qh4+ Kg2 Bxh2 Bf4 g3 Bh6 Rxh6 Rg1 Bxg1 Kxg1 Qh1#;
mate 18 unlikely Below 11 r1bqk1nr/p1pp1ppp/2nbp3/1p6/8/1K1P4/PPP1PPPP/RNBQ1BNR b kq -; pv Nd4+ Kc3 Bb4+ Kxd4 Ne7 g4 Bb7 Ke3 Nd5+ Kf3 Qf6+ Kg3 Bd6+ Kh3 Ne3 Bxe3 h5 f3 hxg4+ Kg2 Qh4 Nh3 Qxh3+ Kf2 Qh4+ Kg2 Bxh2 Bf4 g3 Bh6 Rxh6 Rg1 Bxg1 Kxg1 Qh1#;
mate-18 unlikely Below 10 r1bqk1nr/p1pp1ppp/2nbp3/1p6/2K5/3P4/PPP1PPPP/RNBQ1BNR w kq -; pv Kb3 Nd4+ Kc3 Bb4+ Kxd4 Ne7 g4 Bb7 Ke3 Nd5+ Kf3 Qf6+ Kg3 Bd6+ Kh3 Ne3 Bxe3 h5 f3 hxg4+ Kg2 Qh4 Nh3 Qxh3+ Kf2 Qh4+ Kg2 Bxh2 Bf4 g3 Bh6 Rxh6 Rg1 Bxg1 Kxg1 Qh1#;
mate 19 unlikely Below 9 r1bqk1nr/pppp1ppp/2nbp3/8/2K5/3P4/PPP1PPPP/RNBQ1BNR b kq -; pv b5+ Kb3 Nd4+ Kc3 Bb4+ Kxd4 Ne7 g4 Bb7 Ke3 Nd5+ Kf3 Qf6+ Kg3 Bd6+ Kh3 Ne3 Bxe3 h5 f3 hxg4+ Kg2 Qh4 Nh3 Qxh3+ Kf2 Qh4+ Kg2 Bxh2 Bf4 g3 Bh6 Rxh6 Rg1 Bxg1 Kxg1 Qh1#;
mate-19 unknown Huntsman1 >108Gn 8 r1bqk1nr/pppp1ppp/2nbp3/8/3K4/3P4/PPP1PPPP/RNBQ1BNR w kq - acn 114233250; pv Kc4 b5+ Kb3 Nd4+ Kc3 Bb4+ Kxd4 Ne7 g4 Bb7 Ke3 Nd5+ Kf3 Qf6+ Kg3 Bd6+ Kh3 Ne3 Bxe3 h5 f3 hxg4+ Kg2 Qh4 Nh3 Qxh3+ Kf2 Qh4+ Kg2 Bxh2 Bf4 g3 Bh6 Rxh6 Rg1 Bxg1 Kxg1 Qh1#;
mate 20 unlikely Below 9 rnb1kbnr/pppp1ppp/8/4p1q1/8/3P1K2/PPPBPPPP/RN1Q1BNR b kq -; pv Qf5+ Kg3 Qg6+ Kf3 e4+ Ke3 Bc5+ d4 Bxd4+ Kxd4 Nc6+ Kc3 Qf6+ Kb3 Nd4+ Kc3 Ne6+ Kb3 Nc5+ Ka3 Qa6+ Kb4 Ne7 b3 Nd5+ Kxc5 Qd6+ Kd4 f5 e3 c5+ Kc4 Nb6+ Kb5 Qc6+ Ka5 Nc4+ bxc4 b6#;
mate-20 unknown Huntsman1 >456Gn 8 rnb1kbnr/pppp1ppp/8/4p1q1/8/3PK3/PPPBPPPP/RN1Q1BNR w kq - acn 6379502; pv Kf3 Qf5+ Kg3 Qg6+ Kf3 e4+ Ke3 Bc5+ d4 Bxd4+ Kxd4 Nc6+ Kc3 Qf6+ Kb3 Nd4+ Kc3 Ne6+ Kb3 Nc5+ Ka3 Qa6+ Kb4 Ne7 b3 Nd5+ Kxc5 Qd6+ Kd4 f5 e3 c5+ Kc4 Nb6+ Kb5 Qc6+ Ka5 Nc4+ bxc4 b6#;